Finding the Sacred in All of Life with Rick McCorrister

November 15, 2012 - November 18, 2012
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento VOE 2WOBC



THURSDAY, November 15 – SUNDAY, November 18, 2012

Finding the Sacred in All of Life


with Rick McCorrister

Rick McCorristerThursday evening will be a time of introduction to the weekend and the theme of finding the sacred in all of life. Friday and Saturday will follow this daily pattern: Each day will be an experiential time where we will have some presentation/discussion time in the morning. This time will be a mix of some presentation of ideas (e.g., what is meant by seeing the Sacred in all things, how do we open ourselves to this way of living, why this is important to our well being) as well as the offering of different practices for staying connected to the Holy (e.g., the practice of Breath Prayer, Lectio Divina, walking meditations, including the labyrinth, mindfulness practices, etc).

The afternoon will be a time of reflection through various mediums (e.g., journaling, creative expression, etc.) to help in processing the morning as well as time to try out the spiritual practice(s) offered in the morning. There will also be an opportunity to meet with Rick for a Spiritual Direction session one of those days to assist in the processing of the experience of the weekend There will be a short gathering time before supper to share any reflections participants have from the afternoon – where we engaged the Sacred or were aware or the Sacred and what was difficult/encouraging about seeing the sacred in all things.

Following supper we will have a time of silence to explore inner stillness. We will begin and end each day with prayer/worship time.

Sunday morning will be a time to gather up what has transpired during the weekend, and to share ways to hold these gleanings as we transition into the world beyond Sorrento.

Thursday Nov. 15 – Sunday Nov. 18. Starting Thursday at 5:50pm with supper; and ending Sunday at 1pm after lunch.

RICK McCORRISTER serves as a United Church minister with the Spirit Hills Pastoral Charge in Saskatchewan, which includes the communities of Tugaske, Eyebrow, Central Butte, Riverhurst, and Brownlee. A graduate of the Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction, he is currently a staff member of the Prairie Jubilee Program in Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction. Rick has studied the Enneagram in its various forms for 15 years and the Sacred Movements and teachings of Georges Gurdjieff for 10 years, and in particular has been using the Sacred Movements to inform and enhance the teachings of the Enneagram.

Cost of $465 is inclusive of tuition, all meals and housing for 3 days
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Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality