Early Quakers had a strong sense of what a God-led life looked and felt like, and they were accountable to their Meetings. Today, Friends enjoy greater freedom to define what makes our lives “quakerly.” We are left, sometimes uncomfortably, with more responsibility to uphold our own sense of faithfulness. This retreat is designed to help us reflect on our gifts and to develop ways to be true to ourselves and faithful to God.
$540/shared room; $650/private room; $395/commuter
Ben Pink Dandelion of Pendle Hill Area Meeting (the English one), works at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre and directs the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies at the University of Birmingham. His writings on Quakerism include both academic and devotional works.
Deborah Shaw is assistant director of Friends Center and director of the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College. A Pendle Hill trustee, she is a recorded minister of Friendship Meeting, North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) in Greensboro (NC).
September 16 – 20, 2012
based on accommodations choice