Equipping Others for Ministry

April 17, 2015 - April 20, 2015
Kelowna BC

D 101 Equipping Others for Ministry

One weekend, which will assist the deacon to form, educate, and support the people of God for the ministries to which they are called at baptism. This will require an ability to recruit, motivate, and inspire lay participation. The Deacon will need skills in effective communication, in implementation and evaluation of projects, recruiting and caring for volunteers, and in facilitating group process, and in facilitating group process. Time will also be spent on looking at the various organizational structures of our church, so that the deacon will know what resources are available to them. Since a deacon’s ministry of evangelism is primarily a ministry of service to the world, we ought to seek to form deacons who, in their public ministry, serve as spokespersons for the apostolic faith, by working to alleviate poverty, misery, and ignorance, and by actively seeking peace and justice and by empowering others to do the same.


Equipping Others for Ministry (D101)

April 17-20, 2015:  Diocesan Centre, Kelowna
Instructors:  The Rev. Canon Chris Harwood-Jones and The Ven. Chris Ross
Registration Opening Soon

Categories: Communications  |  Courses  |  Diaconal Ministry