Engaging the Hebrew Prophets: Poets of God’s Justice

August 10, 2014 - August 14, 2014
Offered by Pendle Hill
Wallingford PA




Like many of us today, the prophets of ancient Israel were alarmed by how militarized, exploitative, and unequal their societies were becoming. Let your own prophetic imagination draw inspiration from the way the Hebrew prophets responded to God’s call. Chanting, singing, and writing, they called leaders and people back to the equity and equilibrium of covenant relationship with God.

From Moses through Samuel, Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and the prophetic parable of Jonah, we will follow the trajectory of prophetic faith as it changes in relation to the social conditions of ancient Canaan, tribal Israel, monarchy, exile, and post-exile. We will listen to a variety of prophetic texts, devoting a substantial portion of each session to presenting the context for the prophet’s message. No prior knowledge of the Hebrew prophets is assumed.

$600/shared room; $720/private room; $435/commuter


DougGwynDoug Gwyn is the Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill. He has researched and written extensively on early Friends from a biblical studies perspective. His most recent book is Conversation with Christ: Quaker Meditations on the Gospel of John (FGC 2011). He is the author of numerous other writings, including the February 2014 Pendle Hill pamphlet, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Quakers and Christ Today (PHP #426).


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August 10-14, 2014


based on accommodations choice

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Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Workshops