Emmanuel: God Coming, God Present
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November 29 – December 1, 2013 Friday through Sunday (2 nights)
Take the weekend after Thanksgiving to reflect on the paradox that God is both forever coming into our life and world and always with us if we but attend to the Living Presence. Can we, with Mary, welcome the transforming power of the Holy One into the very core of our being? How do we prepare ourselves to receive the gift of new life in the Spirit? Sacred texts, music, poetry, personal reflection, and journaling will help us explore the mystery of advent.
$330/shared room; $415/private room; $230/commuter
Materials fee included
John Meyer has planned and led workshops and retreats at Pendle Hill over the past ten years. A convinced Friend who alternately wrestles with and embraces his Protestant Christian roots, he finds the advent season a particularly inviting time to reconnect with the Seed.
Mary Wade is a Baptist minister and community activist with more than thirty years of experience working for family, community, and international peace and reconciliation. She holds a Ph.D. in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University, was a human rights activist with the Quaker United Nations Office, works on the Nobel Peace Prize Nominating Committee of the American Friends Service Committee, and served on the Pendle Hill General Board. Mary is also founder of the Thurman Group, ministers and community leaders inspired by the work of Dr. Howard Thurman.
based on accommodations choice
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About the accommodations
Prices for overnight programs include room, board, and tuition.
Private room
These quiet, single rooms are perfect for those who want a real retreat, and are simply decorated with a twin bed and desk.
Shared room
For those who elect to share a room with a guest or another participant, these offer comfort at a modest price.
Commuter rates include lunch and dinner during the program.
Private rooms are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, with consideration given to those with special needs.