Dreaming The Way Forward

July 13, 2015 - July 19, 2015

Dreaming The Way Forward

Workshop ID: G15S721
Dates: July 13July 19
Price: $698.00$1,395.00

The universe is so amazing that it must have been dreamt into being. And the world is in such a mess, both personally and collectively, that we need to dream the way forward. We need to allow ourselves – as individuals, nations and religions – to imagine ways of seeing and ways of living and relating to one another and the earth that we have never before known.

In this signature week at Ghost Ranch, we will ask in particular how our great spiritual traditions – Christian and other – can access the well of the imagination again and thus deepen and renew the blessings that we carry in our lives individually and together!

Our days will consist of prayer at the rising of the sun in Ghost Ranch’s Agape Center courtyard, teaching and sharing in the mornings and evenings and rest and silence in the afternoons. The program’s leaders will be John Philip Newell (Author), Ali Newell (University Chaplain), along with David Poole (Musician) and Winona Poole (Teacher). They are all long-time friends of Ghost Ranch and have worked together creatively through word and song over many summers.

Categories: Music  |  Prayer  |  Workshops