Doctoral Programs at Virginia Theological Seminary

June 21, 2021 - July 9, 2021
3737 Seminary Road
Applications Available for Summer 2021 Residency
October 15, 2020

Application Deadline for Summer 2021 Residency
January 10, 2021

Summer 2021 Residency
June 21- July 9

Applications Available for Summer 2022 Residency
October 15, 2021


Doctoral education at Virginia Theological Seminary is unparalleled in its integration of interdisciplinary academic rigor, an unflinching challenge for personal growth, and demanding expansion of skills and habits for the sake of transformational leadership.

Summer Residencies & Online Seminars

VTS Doctoral Programs emply a hybrid learning model of intensive Summer residencies and online seminars.

Summer Residency
Each summer, VTS’s doctoral students gather for three weeks of study and reflection. The beautiful 80-acre campus of VTS provides a place set apart from the demands of full-time ministry to focus on learning and enrichment. The summer residencies have three core aspects, consistent with VTS’s ethos: learning, worshipping, and living in a community. Students form lasting relationships with fellow students in their cohort and across varying doctoral tracks.

Online Courses
Throughout the year, students engage in online integrative courses which entail specific engagement with a ministry context, in conversation with both theology and social sciences.

Doctor of Ministry

Students in D.Min. tracks complete pre-thesis coursework in two years over three summer residencies. Classes consist of two basic types: Seminar courses and integrative courses. Seminar courses follow a hybrid learning model, combining online education with in-class time during summer residencies. Online integrative courses entail specific engagement with a ministry context, in conversation with both theology and social sciences. The capstone of all our doctoral programs is the thesis, a substantive work of action-reflection scholarship based upon rigorous examination of a ministry context and robust engagement with academic disciplines.

Doctor of Educational Ministry

The Doctor of Educational Ministry empowers Christian leaders equip, strengthen, and deepen their ministry. It is oriented toward professionals who hold a master’s degree in a discipline related to D.Ed.Min. studies rather than a Master of Divinity.
The D.Ed.Min. requires three years of pre-thesis coursework across four summer residencies. Courses follow a hybrid learning model, combining online education with in-class time during summer residencies. The capstone of all our doctoral programs is the thesis, a substantive work of action-reflection scholarship based upon rigorous examination of a ministry context and robust engagement with academic disciplines.

Doctoral Tracks

Our doctoral programs begin with a question: What vision does God give us for transforming lives, communities, and cultures? Because every baptized Christian carries out a distinct expression of that vision, we offer varying program tracks oriented to varying ministries. Each track puts theological and biblical resources into conversation with developmental, organizational, and social scientific learning. Our doctoral students focus on their specialized track while sharing knowledge across all tracks.
Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Programs  |  Theology