Dec 6 – Dec 8, 2013 Fri 7:00 PM – Sun 1:00 PM $495.00

We will use storytelling to share our experiences working in this region, our struggles and what keeps us going. Together, we will create a space that supports deep listening and being in solidarity with one another. It will be a time to pause from the often frantic pace of our work, and reflect on our commitments to ourselves, our loved ones, and our vision of justice. From this pause, we may see totally new ways of living our commitments to building up peace, equity, and connection in our communities.We hope that participants will leave – feeling inspired, relaxed and refreshed – for those who felt isolated in their work to have a stronger sense of community and connection- with tangible supports for your work (ex. strategies for working with resistance, organizational development information, fundraising support)- beginning to develop a network and to consider collaborations that support common work.Leadership is drawn from the staff and members of the Program Resource Group and the Black Leadership Advisory Committee of Tatamagouche Centre.
Program Cost: $495.00 ($337.50 tuition + $157.50 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.