Distinguished Speaker: Leonard Sweet & Silent Retreat

April 19, 2013 - April 23, 2013
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris ON



Learning directly from a contemporary leading thinker can be exciting and inspiring. At Five Oaks we are thrilled to be able to offer this caliber of programming about least once a year that features a distinguished speaker who will offer lectures on contemporary theology, biblical studies or the practice of ministry in changing times.

The upcoming Distinguished Speaker at Five Oaks is Leonard Sweet. He will offer lectures titled: “In the Beginning was the Story” . . .  Change Your Story, Change Your World.

During this weekend at Five Oaks, Leonard Sweet will uncover how our 21st century culture does not speak in words, but in stories and images. The church’s failure to tell stories in a culture that speaks in stories is a story in and of itself. But stories and images are more than “tools” and “techniques” for communicating in a Google world. They are the very essence of communication itself. During his lectures, Sweet will show how to become not just better story-tellers, but story-catchers as well.

About Leonard Sweet: www.leonardsweet.com
Author of 50 books, more than two hundred articles and over 1000 published sermons. Leonard Sweet currently occupies the E. Stanley Jones Chair of Evangelism at the Theological School of Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, and served from 1995 to 2001 as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Theological School at Drew. He is also a Visiting Distinguished Professor at George Fox University in Portland, Oregon and President Emeritus of United Theological Seminary. He is a weekly contributor to the online preaching resource sermons.com, which he co-writes with his wife Elizabeth.

In 2012, Leonard Sweet released six publications including: What Matters Most: Reclaiming Your Relationship With Jesus From Religion (Waterbrook/Random House), an e-book exclusive, Real Church in a Social Network World: From Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith; Viral: Why Social Media Is Poised to Inflame Revival (Waterbrook/Random House); and The Greatest Story Never Told: Revive Us Again (Abingdon).

In 2013 two books are scheduled for release: a textbook on preaching entitled Giving Blood: The Art and Craft of Preaching (Zondervan) and Please God (Tyndale).

Len often appears on the “50 Most Influential Christians in America” list, and in 2010 was selected by the top non-English Christian website as one of the “Top 10 Influential Christians of 2010:” http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue11870.html. His popular weekly podcast called “Napkin Scribbles” is widely used and quoted. Len’s microblogs on twitter and facebook are ranked as some of the most influential social media sites in the world.

He is the father of five children (four boys, one girl), the two youngest currently in junior high and high school. He resides on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands, Washington State.

Group Facilitation for this program will be offered by Michelle Owens and Kenji Marui:

Michelle Owens is a diaconal minister, in ministry with 4 rural congregations in Huron Perth Presbytery. She loves movies with explosions, knitting, walking her dog, and her children. Not necessarily in that order.

Kenji Marui is a self-professed nerd, soccer dad, iron chef, bookworm, basketball fan and patron of CBC Radio3. He is in team ministry with Calvary United Church in London, ON. 

A Silent Retreat is scheduled following this program for those who wish to stay at Five Oaks for further integration of new learnings. Registering for both results in a reduced rate of $625 for the two programs. Please register for this option below. For information on the Silent Retreat please click here.

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Distinguished Speaker at Five Oaks: Leonard Sweet

Start: Apr 19, 2013 @ 5:30 PM
End: Apr 21, 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Cost: $415.00

includes tuition, meals and accommodation. Please note that this program begins with supper on Friday and ends with lunch included on Sunday.

register for this event

Distinguished Speaker: Leonard Sweet & Silent Retreat

Start: Apr 19, 2013 @ 5:30 PM
End: Apr 23, 2013 @ 3:00 PM
Cost: $625.00

For those who wish to stay on at Five Oaks following the Distinguished Speaker program to further integrate new learnings during a Silent Retreat. 
Your time at Five Oaks will begin with supper on Friday and end at 3pm on Tuesday.

register for this event
Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality