Discovering the Self: Vulnerability as Spiritual Practice
Led By: Erika Murphy
Fee: $355 (Deposit: $100)
July 10- July 13, 2018
Fresh insights about our true nature often begin with a sudden opening up, with a small fissure in our established thinking. This retreat will explore the possibilities of Spirit that arise when we intentionally create that opening by listening to our deepest inner voice. Meditative physical movement and guided sitting meditation will allow us to take root in the spiritual centeredness that we all naturally possess. During these practices of harmony and stillness we will reflect on what we hear: what are our bodies telling us? What do we need to embrace about ourselves in order to become more connected to ourselves, others, and God? Participants will have the opportunity to interweave their personal reflections with these guided practices as we find ways to appreciate the gift of our humanity. Join us as we bring our bodies and minds – and their accompanying vulnerabilities – into the vibrant light of spiritual awareness.
Erika Murphy, M.Div., Ph.D., teaches religious studies in Fairfield, CT. Her work in theology and spirituality has led her to explore the rich world of the mind-body connection through meditation and other mindfulness practices. She is also a practitioner of the internal martial art I Liq Chuan, an art based on Tai Chi philosophy and Zen principles, which focuses on the body as a path to awareness, stability, and mindfulness.