June 9-December 31, 2014 Discerning God’s Mission: Trust-building and Collaborative Leadership for Collective Insight Leadership
This course prepares church leaders and interim pastors for navigating congregations through collective discovery of God’s intent for their church. Trust is fundamental for teamwork. Collaborative leadership leverages collective wisdom and skills. Relevant ministry aligned with God’s will is the result.
This course is designed in three distinct segments:
- June 9-Sept. 19: Distance Learning Online
- Sept. 22-26: Group Week Training at Luther Seminary
- Sept. 29-Dec. 31: Learning Project with one-on-one coaching
Many will benefit from this course. Congregations in transition will connect with God’s present work in the world, a more faithful approach than inventing their own purpose and direction. Churches in a rut will discover anew God’s purpose for them and will identify key ministries for engaging God’s mission. Church leaders seeking renewed enthusiasm for ministry will see afresh the Spirit’s work in their lives, journey with colleagues in ministry, explore God’s ways in the world and awaken to renewed passion for ministry. Interim pastors will strengthen their leadership. Trust-building and collaborative leadership for collective insight are essential tasks for guiding congregations into a new chapter in God’s mission in the world.
Tuition: $850
Contact Hours: 60
Seminar Leader:
- Christopher E. Hagen is experienced and skilled in parish and interim ministry, having served more than 18 congregations in Minnesota, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. He holds a Master of Divinity, a Master of Science and a Doctor of Ministry.