Digital Storytelling for Ministry

September 23, 2022 - November 4, 2022
This class will meet online via Zoom meeting from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern every other Friday from September 23 - November 4

When church leaders and congregations craft a mission statement or narrative vision for their churches, often the people tasked with communicating that vision aren’t included in the development process, nor are they church members or present for most church activities. As such, church digital communications tend to be heavy on times, dates, and details but light on narrative vision. While helpful for getting people to meetings on time, but not so much as an invitation to transformation!

In this course, designed for parish administrators and communicators, both paid and volunteer, we will expand our understanding of digital communications from an information-driven model to a relationally-based narrative model (that still manages to get all the details right!)

Ideal participants should be presently engaged in the day-to-day work of church communications and have access to church media, such as the website, photos, calendar, newsletter, etc. As part of this course, participants will:

  • Learn about digital storytelling and the power of narrative in forming the relationships at the heart of evangelism.
  • Conduct a digital communications self-audit.
  • Self-evaluate existing church digital platforms and publications.