Dawn: Bound for Emmaus

Dawn: Bound for Emmaus
Contemporary Signs of Resurrection for a Pilgrim Church
with Herbert O’Driscoll & Richard LeSueur
The day of resurrection began as a day of chaos. The cry was that the body of Jesus had been taken “and we do not know where they have laid him.” The followers were in an uproar. In the furor two of the inner circle slipped out and walked away. It was dawn as they left the Holy City. On the road something new awaited them though it would take time for them to recognize the signs of the resurrection.
As we share our week in Sorrento, because we too are Christians of both twilight and of dawn, of anxiety and hope, of things passing and things coming to be, we will consider signs of resurrection in today’s church, and will also meet some men and women who shared that long ago world of Jerusalem and Emmaus. As Jesus himself once said to others “Come and See.”
Herb O’Driscoll like the character in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, increasingly “finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.” In other words retirement is wonderful for the mind and the imagination, and particularly conducive to thinking up interesting courses for Sorrento! Of course there is the matter of growing old, but that’s another story. Who knows? Maybe it’s one for Sorrento!
Richard LeSueur: Writer, speaker and pilgrimage leader. Richard has served for 40 years as an Anglican priest in Western and Central Canada, and in the Diocese of Jerusalem. He has served on the teaching staff of St. George’s College, Jerusalem and most recently as its Acting Dean. Since 1983 he has facilitated more than 45 excursions for clergy and laity into the biblical lands. He is adjunct faculty with Trinity Divinity in Toronto. He is married to Rhonde.
Course fee: $335