Dare to Lead for Faith Leaders

September 10, 2024 - October 3, 2024
September 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, October 1st, and 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Central. *A makeup session is offered for those who can't attend live.
Offered by Luther Seminary
St PaulMN

Apply the breakthrough insights of Brené Brown’s work to your role in faith leadership

Have you tried leading from the extremes – hiding your true thoughts and emotions in order to keep the peace, then over-reacting to relatively small issues or problems at other points? We probably all have. Frequently, the problem is a disconnect in our values.

When we’re separated from our values – even unconsciously – we become separate from ourselves. It takes courage to live and lead authentically.

That kind of integration takes courage. It isn’t built overnight, but it can start now by taking part in one of our upcoming Dare to Lead trainings. This popular program, open to faith leaders of all kinds, is back this year with enrollment options in the spring and fall to best fit your schedule.

Upon completing the training, you will be Dare to Lead Trained, allowing you with to bring Brené Brown’s research to your faith community.

In Dare to Lead for Faith Leaders, you’ll experience hands-on training and practical wisdom that includes:

  • The four sets of skills inherent to daring leadership
  • Self-awareness and emotional literacy that impacts your thoughts and decisions
  • Appropriate vulnerability and the myths that keep you from authenticity
  • How your core values inform your professional life
  • The skills that guide tough conversations – including giving and receiving feedback
  • What role “meaning-making” plays in humans and the stories we tell ourselves