Developed in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Calvin University School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, this online course equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry.
What You’ll Learn
Participants will generate self-awareness, humility, curiosity, and “other orientation” through the understanding of cultural values.
With wisdom shared from scholars such as Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, David I. Smith, and John D. Witvliet, among others, the course, created by Kai Ton Chau, is online and asynchronous but includes interaction between participants and guided discussion by the faculty facilitator.
Those who complete the course will earn a digital badge, Cultural Values in Ministry, to validate their learning.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
Name and recognize the differences of five cultural values.
Analyze how these cultural values influence individuals’ behaviors, perspectives, expectations, and choices, particularly related to church ministries.
Explain interpersonal techniques to communicate and collaborate well with people from varying cultural orientations.
- Takes approximately 10-12 hours over five weeks to complete.
Also see this related video conversation with Kai Ton Chau and Satrina Reid on cultural intelligence and loving our neighbor.