Creative Seeing, Creative Being—Diving Deep into Our Wells of Wisdom
Jan Phillips

A chance to create and re-create ourselves using the beautiful landscape at Kirkridge for our inspiration. Water, woods, mountains and rocks will guide us to the metaphors that give power to our poetry, our imagery, our stories and our souls. We will follow our heart’s creative desire, give voice to our intuitions, and pull up buckets from our wells of wisdom. We will explore every avenue for creative expression, seeing them as vehicles for our prophetic voices. We will incorporate meditation, movement, and mindfulness to enter the depths of our mystic selves and tune into the messages waiting to be heard. This is an opportunity to unplug from stress, connect with Source, build community with your sisters, and surface the voice of your own soul.
Together we will experience and celebrate the diversity of our experience, the commonness of our convictions, the sacredness of our intentions, and the joy of our oneness. We will photograph, write, sing, share and be amazed together at the beauty of the Earth and the beauty of our selves.
Jan Phillips’ own quest has led her into and out of a religious community, across the U.S. on a Honda motorcycle, and around the world on a one-woman peace pilgrimage. A writer, musician and photographer, she is the author of There Are Burning Bushes Everywhere, No Ordinary Time, Finding the On-Ramp to Your Spiritual Path, The Art of Original Thinking, Divining the Body, Finding Ourselves on Sacred Ground, Marry Your Muse, God is at Eye Level, Making Peace, and A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind. She has 3 CDs of original music and a YouTube channel of inspiring videos.
Jan is the founder and Executive Director of the Livingkindness Foundation, a provider of programs for women and girls that foster creativity, leadership and social impact. She has taught in over 23 countries and has had her work published in the New York Times, Spirituality and Health, Ms. Magazine, Newsday, Christian Science Monitor, Parade, New Age Journal, National Catholic Reporter and Utne Reader. Her photographs have been exhibited at the National Women’s Hall of Frame, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Los Angeles County Museum, Tyler Art Gallery, the Children’s Museum, Sarah Lawrence College Gallery and in several international venues.
Cost $400 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition