Creative Paths to the Divine

February 27, 2015 - March 1, 2015


Creative Paths to the Divine

Guided Retreat: February 27 – March 1, 2015

This is a spiritual and artistic retreat led by artist Robin Pacific and Sr. Mary Rowell, CSJ. Participants will explore the connections through prayer, journal writing and silent reflection, as well as gentle creative movement, collage, painting, and theatre improvisation.

No artistic experience is required. Bring an open mind and a willingness to explore. Expect a few tears and many laughs.

Robin Pacific holds a Diploma in Spiritual Direction and a Masters in Theological Studies, both from Regis College, and attends Holy Trinity in Thornhill and St. Stephen-in-the-Fields in downtown Toronto. In addition to her Spiritual Direction practice, she works in painting, video, drawing, collage, web-based projects, installations and community-based work. Her art can be seen at

Sr. Mary Rowell is Vocation Director for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada and currently works in retreat ministry, spiritual direction and ecological initiatives at Villa St. Joseph Retreat Centre. She is a spiritual director and also teaches courses in moral theology, Catholic Social Teaching, Christian Leadership and Worship and Ethics at the University of Toronto.

  • Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday.
  • Fee: $220; deposit: $50. [+ $30 for materials]
  • Registration: see here »
Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  The Arts