Creating Spaciousness Sabbath Time as an Alternative to the Trance of Overwork

February 22, 2017 - February 26, 2017

Creating Spaciousness Sabbath Time as an Alternative to the Trance of Overwork

Workshop ID: G17S251
Dates: February 22, 2017February 26, 2017
Price: $995.00$1,195.00

20080719-hikeOur hearts require a slow sufficiency of time, to benefit from all the gifts that only the heart can know.

The pace of modern life drains away this unhurried time. Without this “Sabbath Time,” we unintentionally agree to create and maintain a world without the time we need to learn and grow in love, trust, community, wisdom, generosity, courage, beauty or honesty.

Without these precious human necessities, we gradually become more and more weary, brittle, sad, tainted by a silent, collective despair. The seductive trance of “ordinary” time insists we accomplish more, work harder, and increase productivity. But for what?

There is no place where we feel safe enough to tell the truth about this. So, as everyone around us does, we all keep doing more and more, with less and less.

Sabbath Time celebrates the necessary rhythms. Light and dark, work and rest, action and contemplation, giving and receiving—these rhythms all honor and serve the necessity of dormancy, stillness and quietude.

As we prepare for winter’s slow turning to spring, come. Drink from the deep nourishment of Sabbath Time, through teachings, practices, silence and ritual, woven together so you can reclaim, throughout the year, the Sabbath Time your heart craves. In the company of others, you will find ways to create a slower, more authentic, gently human world for all.

Categories: Retreats  |  Wellness In Ministry