for a liberation of creative power.
We seek to awaken in ourselves
a force which really changes our lives from within.
—Thomas Merton
This seasonal retreat series is for anyone seeking renewal of personal identity, professional integrity and vocational vitality, awakening that which changes our lives from within. Over the past decade under the guidance of Parker J. Palmer, highly skilled facilitators have created a unique retreat-based approach to such renewal. Participants expand their capacity to listen and be present, improve their ability to build trustworthy relationships, and find the courage to live and work authentically.
Courage to Lead® work is framed by such questions as, “How can I maintain a strong connection between who I am and what I do?” “What practices will help me align my soul and my role?” “When pulled in so many directions that I feel dis-membered, how can I re-member myself and stay connected to the heart of my vocation?” Educators, health practitioners, not-for-profit and business leaders, clergy, lay leaders and spiritual directors are among those who express great appreciation for these retreats.
Consisting of four retreats – one during each season – it uses the lens of nature’s cycles to examine vocational and life questions. In a safe, quiet nurturing, and confidential environment, each retreat presents a variety of tools to promote reflection and clarity, including poetry, prose, music, video, interaction with nature, and movement. There will be periods of silence, time for journaling and self-reflection, and large and small group discussions. Participants will need to complete a short questionnaire upon registration and must commit to participate in all four retreats. Limit of 24 participants.
Summer – Living an Abundant Life, July 29 – 31, 2013
Fall – Discovering Seeds of True Self, Nov. 4 – 6, 2013
Winter – A Time of Dormancy and Deep Growth, Feb. 3 – 5, 2014
Spring – Listening to Renewal: The Promise of Spring, May 12 – 14, 2014
(Note: Acceptance to the program requires a commitment to all four retreats.)
Program Cost: $430 ($247.50 tuition + $182.50 meals/single room accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Mardi Tindal
Mardi Tindal is the former Moderator of the United Church of Canada. She was also the Executive Director of Five Oaks, a sister centre to Tatamagouche Centre, and co-host of Vision TVs, Spirit Connection. In her work she has consulted widely with government, private-sector, church, and voluntary organizations in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain.
Becky McKenna
Becky McKenna, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Becky McKenna is an experienced educator from elementary school to university settings, a spiritual guide and retreat director. As an educator she takes great delight in the process by which people discover inner wisdom and strive to live authentically. This approach has brought her to the Centre for Courage and Renewal and eventually led to her becoming a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator. Becky is a sister of the Congregation of Notre Dame and most recently is engaged in a project of soil and soul in Three Brooks, Nova Scotia.