Courage to Lead® Retreat

October 22, 2012 - October 24, 2012
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris N3L 3E3 ON

Over the past decade under the guidance of Parker J. Palmer, highly skilled facilitators have created a unique retreat-based approach to renewing personal identity, professional integrity and vocational vitality. Participants seeking personal and professional renewal will expand their capacity to listen and be present, improve their ability to build trustworthy relationships, and find the courage to live authentically.

Courage to Lead® work is framed by such questions as, “How can I maintain a strong connection between who I am and what I do?” “What practices will help me align my soul and my role?” “When pulled in so many directions that I feel dis-membered, how can I re-member myself and stay connected to the heart of my vocation?” In large-group, small-group and solitary settings, we will share our inner journeys via personal story-telling, poetry and teaching tales from various wisdom traditions.

Guided by skilled facilitators, participants will be invited to speak honestly about their lives and work and to listen and respond to each other—and to themselves—with encouragement and compassion. Courage to Lead® retreats support spiritual formation by providing opportunity for:

•renewing heart, mind, and spirit by exploring the inner landscape of the leader’s life;
•reconnecting personal identity and professional integrity, honoring gifts and acknowledging the power of limits;
•creating a community of mutual respect and caring that welcomes the soul and honors diversity;
•participating in the Clearness Committee discernment process and deepening skills to ask open and honest questions;


Fred Monteith serves in ministry as the Executive Secretary of Hamilton Conference of The United Church of Canada. He has many years experience and training in group processes and facilitation. Fred attended his first Circle of Trust® Retreat in 2006 and has participated in two Courage to Lead® Seasonal Retreats at Five Oaks. He is part of the 2012 Facilitators Preparation Cohort through The Center for Courage and Renewal. Fred is committed to growing the soul sustaining work of Courage and Renewal.

Mardi Tindal serves as Moderator of The United Church of Canada until August 2012. She has enjoyed decades of experience facilitating leadership development within church and secular organizations, regionally, nationally and internationally. Mardi attended her first Circle of Trust® retreat in 2006, then participated in an invitational retreat led by Parker J. Palmer in 2007, and has ever since remained committed to participating in and facilitating Courage to Lead® seasonal retreats.

Courage to Lead® Retreat
Start: Oct 22, 2012 @ 2:00 PM
End: Oct 24, 2012 @ 2:00 PM

Cost: $325.00
includes meals and accommodation.

When you regsiter for this program please submit a ‘personal statement’ (no more than 600 words) in a separate document to let us know why you are interested in attending this retreat program and how you hope to benefit. Briefly describe the setting in which you do your work and a question you may be holding. Please email this to the Five Oaks

Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality