Compassionate Listening

July 22, 2017
Offered by Pendle Hill
Wallingford PA

Compassionate Listening

Jul 22, 2017

Yael Petretti

9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Barn.

$45.00 (includes lunch).

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

“I can’t talk to him/her/‘them’ . . .”

Do you have friends who voted for the “other” candidate?
Do you dread family gatherings because you and your uncle disagree about just about everything?
Frustrated in the face of so much polarization and knowing that we need to revive civil dialogue if we are to resolve the problems that confront us — personal and political?

We can dig ourselves out of this painful polarization.

Compassionate Listening was developed by Quakers and is used around the world — and at home — in conflict situations. In this Compassionate Listening workshop , you will learn to:

  • Suspend judgment
  • Maintain balance in the heat of conflict
  • Listen and speak from the heart with kindness and honesty
  • Practice being present to the speaker
  • Heal alienation, lower tension, and eliminate violence.


Yael Petretti lived in Jerusalem from 1978 through 2010. She trained hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians in Compassionate Listening. She has brought lessons learned back to the U.S. where she trains students, educators, therapists, clergy and others, making them a powerful force for peace and connection in their families, communities, and beyond. She also serves as an Alternatives to Violence facilitator in men’s high security prisons.

Categories: Communications  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Workshops