Monday, August 1 – Saturday, August 6, 2016
“Come, Follow Me!”
with Sister Sue Elwyn, SSJD
We know from the Gospels that Jesus spent as much time in prayer as in ministry; indeed, it seems the times he spent alone communing with God gave him the strength and inspiration to carry out that ministry.
In a world and a church increasingly focused on doing, it’s important for us to remember that intimacy needs times of silent communion as well.
Contemplative prayer provides us with the path the follow Jesus into the stillness of God’s presence.
Over the week, we will investigate methods of praying with the written word, with the imagination, with movement and the body, and in silence.
Each day will include an introduction to three different prayer methods, an opportunity to practice each method within the group, and some time to reflect on the experience.
When we follow Jesus into God’s silence, we can follow him into the world with renewed strength and vision.
SISTER SUE ELWYN is a Life-professed member of the Anglican Sisterhood of St. John the Divine; she came from the United States to join the order in 2000. Since entering the Sisterhood, Sr. Sue has served at the Mother House in Toronto, and branch-houses in Montreal and Victoria.
Sister Sue has been leading retreats and quiet days since 2002, with a particular emphasis on prayer workshops and ways to enter fully into contemplation. She currently lives at St. John’s House, BC in Victoria.
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Course fee: $260 (shorter week, due to statutory holiday)
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