September 5, 2023 - December 5, 2023
Dates: Sep 5 - Dec 5, 2023
Days: Tue
Time: 2:30PM - 5:30PM Pacific Time
Offered by Regent College
Tuition rates for Summer 2023, Fall 2023, and Winter 2024 will be:
* $520 per credit hour registered for onsite
* $385 per audit hour registered for onsite
* $540 per credit hour registered for online
* $405 per audit hour registered for online
, BC
The letters to the Colossians and to Philemon are two of the Apostle Paul’s so-called Prison Epistles. It is commonly believed that they were written in the early 60s of the Christian era to believers in the city of Colossae in the southern region of the Roman province of Asia (current western Turkey). In the letter to the church in Colossae, Paul addresses a particularly subversive challenge to the early Church’s understanding of the gospel, especially the critical questions of Jesus’ identity and salvific work. In the letter to Philemon, the apostle engages the sensitive topic of a slave who had run away from one of the church’s principal leaders, but with theological and practical lessons of great relevance for conflict resolution. Although the letters deal with events that transpired long ago, they remain letters of high theological and practical value, no less so today than in their original setting.
Credit and Audit Hours: 3