Circle of Trust® mini-retreats – Online

September 2, 2020 - December 9, 2020
2495 Fox Gap Road

Circle of Trust® retreats with Kirkridge Director Jean Richardson and various other leaders through the Fall. These will continue our highly successful 90 minute retreats several times a month, exploring themes of compassion, peace, resiliency.

Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center is offering these Circles of Trust® that are grounded in the principle that, without denying or abandoning the outer world, we must reclaim the reality and power of our inner lives.  For more information about what a Circle of Trust® is, click here. See our commitment to generosity here.

The registration link for the programs listed is at the bottom of the page. In keeping with our commitment to generosity of spirit, the programs below are at no cost to participants, and donations are gratefully accepted.

Wednesday, September 2nd 4:30-6pm EDT
Following our North Star with Jean Richardson and Sally Z. Hare

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. Bob Marley
We welcome you as we explore the roots of our inner strength and courage.

Wednesday, September 9th, 4:30-6pm EDT
Breathing into Peace: Ruach, Spiritu, and Conspiracy with Dianne Baker 

This retreat will offer intentional time to breathe as an act connection with the Holy (Ruach), as meditation (spiritu), and to breathe together (conspire).  Using poetry, journaling and group reflection, we will explore the power of breath, even as we live in a time when breathing is threatened due to COVID-19.

Thursday, September 24th, 5-6:30pm EDT
Moving At The Speed of Guidance with Megan LeBoutillier

When the world was “right side up” it was sometimes difficult to find the time and space to slow down and find a quiet place for reflection.  Now that the world is “upside down” or maybe even “spinning” we have plenty of quiet time and space, but confusion surrounds what constitutes guidance and what is merely distraction. This brief retreat invites participants to explore how to cultivate a wise heart in the midst of disruption.

Wednesday, October 7th 5-6:30pm EDT
Sustaining the Soul that Serves with Marian David

More information coming shortly.

Wednesday, October 21st, , 4:30-6pm EDT
Topic TBD: with Jean Richardson

Wednesday, November 4th, 4:30-6pm EDT
The Courage to Live Divided No More: Seeking Wholeness in a Divided World with Jean Richardson and Sally Hare

Wednesday, November 18th, 4:30-6pm EDT
Topic TBD: with Jean Richardson

To register for a program listed above, click here. Kirkridge is hosting a variety of programs, to see all events, please visit our Programs page.

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction