Centering Prayer and Praying Holy Scripture

May 22, 2018 - May 25, 2018
West Park, NY

Centering Prayer and Praying Holy Scripture

Led By: Leslee Anne Terpay

Fee: $355 (Deposit: $100)

May 22- May 25, 2018

This retreat offers an introduction to Praying Holy Scripture based upon the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating. The presentations teach a contemplative way of listening to and reading Scripture known as the ancient monastic practice of Lectio Divina. We will learn and experience the scholastic moments of the prayer: reading, reflecting, responding and resting. The last conference will discuss the fruits of the prayer relationship: Becoming a Word of God. During the retreat, one will experience the interplay of the silence of Centering Prayer and Praying Holy Scripture through both group and individual prayer times combined with the rhythm of this Episcopal Benedictine monastic community’s worship and prayer life. This contemplative retreat welcomes those comfortable with silence and having a yearning to learn this ancient way of praying rather than studying Holy Scripture.

Leslee Anne Terpay, is a retired entrepreneur and now spends her days sharing Fr. Thomas Keating’s teachings on the contemplative dimension of the gospel, the Christian Contemplative Journey, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and leading retreats. She is a Contemplative Outreach commissioned presenter. As a Contemplative Outreach faculty member for Lectio Divina and Retreats, she is part of the service teams whom define workshop teachings and retreat experiences. Leslee is a spiritual director in Lone Tree, Colorado and will graduate from The Centering for Action and Contemplation Living School in 2018.


Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction