Celebration of Biblical Preaching: The Courage to Preach

October 5, 2015 - October 7, 2015
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN



October 5-7, 2015            Celebration of Biblical Preaching: The Courage to Preach


We all know that preaching is no easy task. It takes courage to step up to the pulpit week after week and say something that’s worth hearing, let alone something on behalf of the biblical text and on behalf of God. But what does it mean to have the courage to preach? Is it just bravery or a mustering up of sheer will? And why do we need it? Why is this question worth asking of our preaching? This year’s Celebration speakers will help us enter into the vulnerable space that is the place of courage for proclamation. We will be invited to imagine courage in different ways, not just for the sake of preaching itself, but for the sake of gaining a renewed sense of preaching from the heart.


Registration opens May 1, 2015

Tuition: $235

Contact Hours: 15

Seminar Leaders:

  • Otis Moss III, Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago
  • Karoline Lewis, Alvin N. Rogness Associate Professor of Homiletics, Luther Seminary
  • Luke Powery, Dean of Duke Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics, Duke Divinity School
  • Michael Brown, Senior Minister, Marble Collegiate Church
  • Barbara Lundblad, Joe R. Engle Professor Emeritus of Preaching, Union Theological Seminary

Registration Information

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