Building Organizational Trust: Finding Ways to Work with and through Others

April 25, 2014 - April 27, 2014
Offered by Pendle Hill
Wallingford PA



Building Organizational Trust: Finding Ways to Work with and through Others

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April 25-27, 2014 Friday through Sunday (2 nights)


To work effectively and efficiently with and through others, it is important to build and maintain organizational trust. If trust is developed each participant will feel safe to share her and his talents and feel comfortable in posing constructive questions and concerns. How do we ensure that all the participants in a group are conscientious and disciplined about attending to the business at hand? How do we ensure group and individual accountability? Is conflict inevitable, and more important, how can it be constructive? This course is designed to respond to the recognition that we cannot do all that needs to be done ourselves; therefore, we must find ways to work with and through others.

$330/shared room; $415/private room; $230/commuter


clintonpettus140x160 Clinton Pettus recently retired from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), where he served as regional director of the Middle Atlantic Regional AFSC office and most recently as deputy general secretary for programs. He was president of Cheyney University from 1996 to 2004. Clinton is a member of Wilmington Monthly Meeting (DE), Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and clerk of the Pendle Hill Board.





based on accommodations choice

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About the accommodations

Prices for overnight programs include room, board, and tuition.

Private room

These quiet, single rooms are perfect for those who want a real retreat, and are simply decorated with a twin bed and desk.

Shared room

For those who elect to share a room with a guest or another participant, these offer comfort at a modest price.


Commuter rates include lunch and dinner during the program.

Private rooms are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, with consideration given to those with special needs.


Categories: Courses  |  Leadership  |  Ministry