Ghost Ranch has a long tradition of supporting those in ministry with rich respite and continuing education. In 2013, we will dedicate two special weeks to helping support those in all fields of ministry (ordained and lay).
Arrival (Monday afternoon) and Departure (Saturday morning) have been established so that those in ministry can leave/return in time for their weekly Worship responsibilities. Some segments will involve the full group (plenaries – processing – Worship). Participants will also choose one focus class where they will receive approximately 20 hours of instruction/ experience to help them in their field of ministry. Come and receive a week of nourishment to help you so you in turn can help others.
Through 24/7 media competition for ratings shares and political and corporate jockeying for votes and profits, we find dissonance highlighted and attempts at reconciliation ignored. Having honest conversation over differing perspectives has almost become a contact sport. So, we talk past each other regarding issues of race, religion, social class, politics, sexuality, ideology, religion and culture, or we avoid these topics like social justice and a sustainable future altogether. Not here!
Using Parker Palmer’s newest book, Healing the Heart of Democracy, this class is rooted in sociology of religion and a theology of social change. It provides opportunities for challenge and transformation of consciousness regarding one’s personal identity and social assumptions. Participants will explore Palmer’s discussion of five ‘Habits of the Heart,’ and journey through challenging current social topics, while using contemplation, written reflection, and music woven throughout. This class calls participants, in Howard Thurman’s words, to both head and heart. It highlights social awakening and empowerment, in order to bridge social tensions and divisions. It refuses to cede ground to the cultural, religious and political divides that find our institutions, families, communities and nations paralyzed or in constant chaos and strife.
Companions in this journey will be asked to offer resources they use to do bridge-building work. Authors and change agents, from ancients to contemporaries, will be named, discussed and sung. Our times of teaching and reflection, coupled by the silence and beauty of Ghost Ranch, will provide opportunities to go deeper and to soar amidst newly created possibilities. Participants are asked to bring a journal for observations or instruments they play as we look toward sharing our discoveries with the larger Ghost Ranch community at week’s end.
Preparation: Reading of Palmer’s text is helpful, but not required. In essence, students are asked to bring what they need personally to process emotionally, intellectually and in body (good walking shoes /journal/sketchpad, etc.)

Need more info? Call us at (505) 685 – 4333 ext 4152
Two ways to register:
- Download printable registration form and mail to: Ghost Ranch Registrar, HC77 Box 11, Abiquiu, NM 87510. OR scan and email your completed form to: [email protected]
- Register by telephone at 877-804-4678, extension 4152 or 4155 — available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. MST.
Online Registration will be available December 10, 2012