Bridgebuilder Training

August 27, 2018 - August 29, 2018
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul, MN


Aug. 27-29, 2018


Bridgebuilder is a process developed by Peter Steinke to aid congregations who are feeling stuck and full of strife. Through the consultation process the congregational leadership usually identifies three to five significant issues facing the congregation. These are issues which if unaddressed might stand in the way of the mission and ministry of the congregation being fully realized.

This is not a time of focusing on weaknesses but rather on looking at opportunities for the congregation to move forward. Once the issues are identified, the congregation serves as its own expert in developing a plan of action to address the issues allowing the congregation to move forward in mission.

The purpose of the Bridgebuilder ministry is designed to lead a congregation

  • From a focus on weakness to strength
  • From a position of “stuckness” to adaptation
  • From anxiety to clarity
  • From problem to challenge
  • From condition to response
  • From confusion to options
  • From reactivity to self-regulation

Tuition: $450

Contact Hours: 14

Class Times:

Monday 1-5 p.m.

Tuesday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-noon

Seminar Leaders:

Peter Steinke is an internationally respected church consultant who is a popular speaker and a regular helper of congregations pursuing healthy functioning.

Registration Information