“Body Home” Yoga

July 21, 2016 - July 24, 2016
West Park NY

“Body Home” Yoga

Thursday, July 21 – Sunday, July 24, 2016

Led by Heather Palmer

The body is home. It’s easier to dismiss this: to run away, refuse to accept, fight or delay the reality of our home. But to listen—to Self, to God, to the world, we must have a vehicle within which to hear, and we must cultivate that vehicle for listening.

This workshop focuses on opening the heart in backbending and releasing the heart through hip openers so that we might come to listen. “Nulalla”, Palmer Ann, leads practice with spontaneous movement, articulately designed postures, prayer and meditation. With two practices a day the body prepares to attend. To pray. The intentionality and service of the religious at Holy Cross Monastery creates a space both safe and sacred, ideal for preparing the Self for deep opening. Holy Cross provides single rooms so that you might have the privacy to go in. Come home.

Heather practices yoga as art. She believes the movement of yoga is both science and dance, linear and circular. Growing up in a religious family in the farmlands of Pennsylvania, she carried her roots through a nomadic life in Chicago and, finally, to New York, where she lives now. The biggest realization of her life is this simple truth: Everything comes from and returns to Love, and of all that yoga is, yoga is this reminder of our source in Love. Heather believes yoga reflects and manifests all that is within, and through the practice, especially one grounded in play and prayer, she has learned to remember this Love. She yearns and loves to share yoga in all its beauty.

Cost: $350, deposit: $80

Categories: Prayer  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Workshops