Bless the Night – A Zoom Retreat

June 12, 2020 - June 14, 2020
Offered by Pendle Hill
Basic Fee: $30
338 Plush Mill Rd.

What if we danced with the dark as holy? What might open up for us if we could face and remove the fears we have projected onto the dark? What actual fears are buried in our minds and hearts? Join a zoom call for an evening and consecutive full day with Reverend Rhetta Morgan to courageously face what stands between us and the loving experience of the sacred dark.  Using chant, poetry, dialogue, and ritual, we will confront and challenge the ways we project our fear onto the dark and explore the blessings of the sacred dark.

By removing the layers of projection we have put on the dark, we may arrive at an embodied revelation that the dark is what the light is born from! The dark is sacred. Challenging our unconscious negative associations with the dark can also change both how we see the world and our power to impact the world. By exposing the negative references towards the dark, we can move towards liberatory wholeness. Limit 30. Click to view the schedule.


Reverend Rhetta MorganReverend Rhetta Morgan is a singing healer, spiritual activist, and interfaith minister. She works at the intersections of spirituality, activism, and creativity, intending to work towards and live into a more just world. An international professional singer for many years before she became an ordained interfaith minister at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in NY in 2009, Rev. Rhetta founded Ecclesia Spirit (an inclusive, interfaith spiritual community), the While We Wait Project (which provides spiritual and emotional support to loved ones of incarcerated individuals), and the Choir for Climate Change (a choir for activists at every level of organizing and vocal capabilities). Very active in the Philadelphia area, Rev. Rhetta uses music she writes and sings to inspire and heal. Some of her most meaningful work is in mentoring and counseling activist leaders.

A digital retreat via Zoom with Reverend Rhetta Morgan

June 12 – 8:00-9:00pm Eastern Time.
June 13 – Includes periodic Zoom sessions, frequent breaks, personal reflection time, and offline work between 9:30am and 9:00pm Eastern Time.

Basic Fee: $30 – This covers the approximate cost per person of the program and further supports Pendle Hill in our programming.

Fee Plus: $45 – If you are a person with discretionary income, this amount allows us to provide financial assistance to another participant. Any amount exceeding the basic fee will be acknowledged as a charitable donation.

If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, call 610-566-4507, ext. 137. Do NOT register online.