Being with Greening

May 26, 2021 - May 26, 2021
Wednesday, May 26th from 3-5pm ET
Pricing: Kirkridge is committed to providing heartfelt and generous programming that is available to all. And we need your help to continue doing so. The cost of providing this program is approximately $25 per person. Please support this program if you are able. We will be grateful if you could contribute an additional amount to help cover the costs of others and as always, all are welcome regardless of ability to pay.

Plant life is arising from rhizome and bulb, from seed and stem, from leaf and flower bud. In the Northern Hemisphere an energy of emergence refreshes our growing edges. A fearlessness draws us into fresh air, encouraging us to unfurl into a new season. Join us as we gather to celebrate patterns of emergent greening in word and play. Take time to see the growing edges in your environment or in a virtual gallery provided for those who cannot get outside. Bring a blank piece of paper, some colorful (variations of green perhaps) mark making pens, crayons, pencils if you have them, AND an openness to plants’ ways of greening up and out. Following the pattern of circles at Kirkridge, we will explore our own roots and reaching, share reflection, and perhaps emerge with shades of green.

Vicki Metzgar is a retired science educator and leader. She is a national facilitator for Courage and Renewal©, and lives in a co-housing community in Nashville, Tennessee.

Gaynell Meij has been a geologist, became a naturalist, a tactile artist, and was impacted along the way by deep ecologists and mystics. She has traveled the path of rational-analytic mind to the feeling realms of sensuous matter, and is now immersed in the blending of these ways. She is blessed to have a daily life that includes stillness and opportunities to observe and wander.