Awakening the Spirit: Celtic Wisdom for Today
Denise (Crawn) Prance and Nick Prance

Come spend the weekend on the mountain as husband and wife co-leaders Denise and Nick Prance weave together the connections of Kirkridge, Columcille and Iona with aspects of Celtic Spirituality that surround us in our everyday lives.
The weekend will offer a balanced mix of structured group gatherings, opportunity to participate in guided activities, poetry, music, time in nature and individual free time to rest or explore. All will ebb and flow with the energy of the group.
Structured group gatherings will include information and discussions on Celtic Spirituality (then and today), aspects of the Celtic New Year including honoring of the ancestors, setting of intentions, and what constitutes ‘healing’, along with the history and mysteries of the connections between Kirkridge, Columcille and Iona.
Opt-in guided activities may include the following:
• Early morning guided meditations.
• A guided ‘walking awake’ tour through parts of Kirkridge and Columcille connecting history and story to the mountain and Iona integrated with a focus on seeing the ‘unseen’ and Divine in Nature.
• A Labyrinth walk/meditation using the lessons of the Celtic Spiral.
• A guided drumming meditation.
• Opportunity to attend Columcille’s Celtic New Year Celebration amongst the torchlit Standing Stones on the Saturday evening.
Additionally, there will be plenty of opportunity to choose alone time to wander amongst the trails, journal or ‘just be’.
Bring sure to bring your love of Nature and your curiosity about Celtic Spirituality, Columcille, Kirkridge and Iona.
Led by: Denise (Crawn) Prance: Denise is a former Kirkridge employee, Columcille Board Member and resident of the mountain, and now resides in Scotland. Owner of Walking Awake, LLC, Denise is an ordained Interfaith Minister, author of “Walking Awake: The Faces In Nature”, and creator of several inspirational card decks. She also leads small group pilgrimages within Scotland and in particular to the island of Iona. Denise’s ministry and love of nature is expressed through her photography, book, cards and events which focus on becoming more aware, mindful and awake though our innate connection with Nature and our relationship with the Divine in, and around us.
Nick Prance: Nick was born in the north of Ireland, raised in Liverpool, and has lived in Scotland for the last 16 years. During that time, he lived on Iona for three years working for the Iona community helping to organize and run the program for the many guests who came on pilgrimage and retreat. He also joined the Iona Community as a member at that time. Following a career working within Mental Health services and training for Anglican ministry, Nick has been exploring Buddhism, seeing it as a helpful way of engaging compassionately with the human condition and the nature of suffering. Now mostly retired, Nick currently spends his time alternating between walking in the wild and beautiful spaces of Scotland and enjoying the inner child by playing as often as possible with his four young Grandchildren!
As a couple: Nearly five years ago, Denise and Nick met on a ferry while each were traveling to the Isle of Iona, Scotland. In October, 2016 they were married in Scotland surrounded by friends and family. A “ferry-tale” happily ever after indeed! Over the past five years, they have traveled together throughout Scotland, England and Wales visiting standing stones and ancient sites and loving every moment of it! As co-leaders they bring together an eclectic mixture of backgrounds including everything from trainings in ministry, theater, mental health, shamanism, mindfulness, as well as their love and connectedness to poetry, story, music and nature. Nick and Denise enjoy sharing these treasures, passions and adventures with others as they lead and co-lead workshops, retreats and pilgrimages on “both sides of the pond”.
Cost $425 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.