“I would recommend this to all managers to attend” -2012 participant
“Thank you very much for all the useful tools. You are very knowledgeable and can make everyone feel comfortable.” -Kent MacDonald, Property Manager, Tatamagouche Centre, program participant 2012
“I’ve come out of this program with both the means to address various issues and unexpected positive tools that I think will enhance both my work and home life.” – 2012 program participant
“Excellent content and facilitation.” – 2012 program participant
“This will be a life changer.” – 2012 program participant
“I felt this was a well-organized, holistically driven and inspiring program. I felt energy from the facilitator and leadership throughout.” – 2012 program participant
“Wonderful—really enjoyed it—loved the tools practice—flowed and it was well laid out.” – 2012 program participant
Often we get promoted to management and directorship positions without a lot of training or support for different aspects of the role. This course is for new and experienced Executive Directors and Senior Managers who wish to be grounded in foundations of what it means to be a good leader. Drawing from the realms of neuroscience, psychology and organizational development, we’ll be exploring the heart of what it means to work effectively with others in this leadership role:
• Who you are in the management role: what strengths and blindspots do you have?
• What does authentic and clear communication look like in practice?
• How can you empower others to take on more leadership and responsibility for the work?
• How do you build a cohesive team across differences?
• How do you effectively address conflict in a way that strengthens relationships?
• How can you build support (and maintain balance!) for yourself when you have responsibility for others?
This session is a synthesis of the Anima Leadership Development process™ http://animaleadership.com/Who-We-Are/our-approach offered in different contexts both nationally and internationally. Invest in brushing up on your management skills and treat yourself to this three-day skill-building intensive!
Program Cost: $650 ($480 tuition + $170 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Annahid Dashtgard
Annahid Dashtgard is Co-founder and Senior Partner of Anima Leadership www.AnimaLeadership.com, a Toronto-based company that specializes in leadership and emotional intelligence, equity/ diversity issues and helping organizations build more inclusive work environments. Her formal education background includes an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a Masters in Adult Education and Organizational learning, while her informal training includes many change approaches that focus on the personal and the bridge between micro and macro: mindfulness meditation, coaching, bodywork, and more. A published author and speaker, Annahid has a leadership background in the non-profit sector where she spent over a decade programming, campaigning and providing education at local, national and international levels. Just having completed a year as internal management consultant with the Toronto based Centre for Social Innovation, Annahid has acted as consultant and trainer for many Canadian non-profits, unions, school boards, health organizations and levels of government. Please see http://animaleadership.com/Who-We-Are/our-team for more information, and client list.
Pat De Meo
Pat De Méo, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator, is on the Leadership Team of the Atlantic Jubilee Program in Spiritual Deepening and Spiritual Guidance. She is a Professor of French language and culture at Dalhousie University, with a background in inter-cultural communication, group dynamics and staff support and supervision.