August 5-10, 2013 – Six Weeks of Summer: Week 6

August 5, 2013 - August 10, 2013
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC


August 5-10, 2013 – Six Weeks of Summer: Week 6

6 weeks of summer - week 5week 5Future Faith Communities: organized in partnership with the Diocese of British Columbia – open to all.

  • Early Christians of the 21st Century
    with Herbert O’Driscoll, Scott McLeod, Richard LeSueur: New forms are being tested, ancient forms recovered and reworked, and a new vocation is being taken up to give shape to the next forms of the future church…. Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013 – details »
  • Re-Imagining Church: Intentional Communities, New Monasticism and Emerging/Fresh Expressions of Church
    with Rob and Meagan Crosby-Shearer: we’ll examine how the Holy Spirit is moving as people seek to find new (and rediscover very old) ways of being Church together… Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013details »
  • Art and Spirit: Hands on and Hearts Open!
    with Frances Bryant-Scott: we’ll examine how the Holy Spirit is moving as people seek to find new (and rediscover very old) ways of being Church together… Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013details »
  • Expressing Meaning: Writing Worship
    with Richard Stetson: Prayerfully engaging in the creative arts can be a way to enter into a deeper relationship with God…. Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013details »
  • Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Lessons in Honesty, Empathy, & Self-empathy
    with Marion Little: Exercising compassion toward ourselves and others, especially when we don’t feel compassionate, strengthens our experience of sanctuary and our ability to be sanctuary… Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013details »
  • Worship and Music: Week 6
    with Ken Gray: As the content of the week challenges ideas of ‘Church’ in the present age, music and worship itself will celebrate the known unknown which both delights and challenges us all…. Monday, August 5 – Saturday, August 10, 2013details »
  • A special Public Lecture will be given during Week 6 by Bishop James Cowen of the Diocese of British Columbia. Date and time TBA
  • Typical “Weeks of Summer” daily schedule – here »
  • topChildren’s programming here » / Youth programs here »
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