Explore with us the themes of the Apostles’ Creed. The creed is the most universal statement of faith, and the proclamation on the main talking points of the Christian church through the centuries.
Praying with the Psalms:
A Musical Journey Into Jewish Liturgy
with Rabbi Laura Duhan Kaplan
and the musicians of Sulam
Thursday, Oct. 4th, at 12pm
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, he descended into hell
with The Rev. Grant Rodgers
Thursday, Oct. 11th, at 12pm
The Third Day, He rose again from the dead
with The Rev. Dr. Jason Byassee
Thursday, Oct, 18th, at 12pm
Chapel is held on Thursdays at 12pm. Epiphany Chapel
6030 Chancellor Blvd, Vancouver