Tuesday, September 29, 2015 – Tuesday, November 10, 2015 1:30 pm – 7:30 pm
St. Laurence Anglican Church
5940 Lakeview Drive SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 5A8, Canada
Speaker/Facilitator: No Speakers
Animate: Bible– All are invited to join a 7 session DVD series Animate: Bible. http://wearesparkhouse.org/adults/animate/bible/ Over these 7 sessions Eric Elnes, Phyllis Tickle, Rachel Held Evans, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Joses Morales, Will Willimon and Jay Bakker explore everything from the history to current interpretation of Biblical texts. In each Animate: Bible session, the group will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection and journaling, and share ideas with the group. The sessions will be held Tuesdays at St. Laurence Anglican Church (5940 Lakeview Dr. SW) beginning on Tuesday, September 29 and finishing on Tuesday, November 10. There will be an afternoon session from 1:30-3:00 and an evening session from 7:30 -9:00. Please choose which session works best for your schedule. The Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee will be leading the afternoon sessions and The Rev. Carolyn Herold will be leading the evening sessions. Please register by email [email protected] and bring $25 cash or cheque (made out to St. Laurence) to the first session to cover the cost of the take-home journal.