An Act of Love, Constantly Repeated

November 5, 2015 - November 8, 2015
Collegeville MN

Thursday, November 5 – Sunday, November 8, 2015

An Act of Love, Constantly Repeated

Led by Dan Miller


Thomas Merton stresses that the spiritual life is above all a life. The heart of this life is love, which is what joins the way of the mystic and the way of the prophet. Dorothy Day reminds us that cultivating this love-life involves a holy succession of kindnesses. In this retreat we will ponder what this love-life looks like, consider its fundamental commitments, and explore the everyday practices that support and guide us in living a spirituality with integrity. Using story, silence, chant, prayer, poetry, sacred dialogue, and holy listening, we will reflect on the experience of the wise ones who teach us that an integral spirituality necessarily weaves contemplative presence and compassionate action. This retreat offers sacred space for all genuine seekers, apprentices, and seasoned artisans of faith.

From a previous retreatant: “So meaningful, life-changing, freeing, and inspiring that I feel grateful and blessed. It was exactly what I needed–practical and holy, deep yet not heavy, Enlivening.” ~ Theresa A.


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Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction