After the Whirlwind: Stances of Prayer Inspired By The Book of Job

October 9, 2018 - October 12, 2018
West Park, NY

After the Whirlwind: Stances of Prayer Inspired By The Book of Job

Led By: Suzanne Guthrie

Fee: $355 (Deposit: $100)

October 9- October 12, 2018

This retreat draws on the character of Job, God’s beloved suffering servant. Job, already a man of deep prayer, grows and transforms throughout his ordeal and even after his encounter with the theophany in the whirlwind. We look at ways of prayer that Job inspires; wonder, transcendence, and exploration, resistance, drawing upon cosmology, anthropology, art and architecture. The experience circles around the question of preparing the mind and heart for stances of open-ended prayer.

In addition to writing, Suzanne leads retreats and workshops throughout the United States. She has served the Episcopal church as a parish priest, a children’s priest, a Christian Education consultant, columnist on children’s spirituality and as a college (Vassar) and university (Cornell) chaplain. She has raised four children who are now grown.

Her interest in mystical theology began at the age of twenty-two when she read the Autobiography of Teresa of Avila. She interested in questions about how people “learn” to discern layers of consciousness of the Holy and particularly fascinated by the unending mystery of prayer itself.


Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction