Slow down and savor the deep connection that comes with centered awareness of the present moment. This weekend retreat weaves mindfulness throughout daily activity, including periods of guided sitting, walking and eating meditation practice, mindful small and large group discussion, guided deep relaxation, personal reflection, as well as mindful Kundalini yoga, and Dharma Talks. Delve into what it means to be fully alive, fully centered. Reveal your wise, loving and compassionate nature through nonjudgmental awareness. Cultivate trust and clear insight. Return home rested, refreshed, renewed and resilient.
This retreat is suitable for beginners as well as people with experience.
Facilitator:Valerie Brown is a certified leadership coach and educator, and a retreat leader. Her training includes the national Center for Courage & Renewal and Parker J. Palmer, the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare & Society, and Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program. She is the author of The Road that Teaches: Lessons in Transformation through Travel (Quaker Books, 2012), and two Pendle Hill pamphlets, including Living from the Center: Mindfulness Meditation and Centering for Friends and The Mindful Quaker.
Her work and writing point toward powerful transformation through mindful awareness, and her passion is for creating greater trust among people. She is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher and was ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh. She is a member of Solebury Monthly Meeting (Quakers). She can be reached at
Investment in Learning: $345 Decision Day: Feb 15 |