A Time for Silence Retreat 2014

October 19, 2014 - October 21, 2014
Tatamagouche NS


Oct 19 – Oct 21, 2014 Sun 7:00 PM – Tue 3:00 PM $375.00

A guided retreat offering the opportunity to spend an extended period of time in contemplative silence.

Spiritual guidance will be available for those who wish.


Each day begins and ends with a short time of gathering.

The rest of the day is for you to…

savor the silence

enter the labyrinth




simply BE

Program Cost: $375 ($220 tuition+$155 meals/shared accommodations)
Private room upon request +$50

Local Price: $281 (program cost without overnight, without breakfast)

Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program

Leadership TBA

Don MacDougall

Don MacDougallDon MacDougall, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Don, a life-long naturalist and recent older person, has wasted most of his life walking beaches, marshes and forests, floating lakes, rivers and streams, wondering at the beauty of it all and how to walk creatively in time and circumstance. He is a United Church minister in Fredficton, NB.

Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality