A Skeptic in Scripture: Ecclesiastes & Its Friends

June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024
Jun 3–Jun 7, 2024: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver time
Offered by Regent College
Credit Hours 1–2 Audit Hours 1 Credit Tuition (onsite / online) $520 / $540 per credit hour Audit Tuition (onsite / online) $385 / $405 per credit hour

By virtually all accounts, the Book of Ecclesiastes is a strange book and its presence in the canon, if not anomalous, is at least in need of some discussion if not formal explanation and defense. This course proceeds through Qoheleth (the book’s Hebrew name) while considering and pursuing “Qohelutian” themes in other, biblical and extra-/non-biblical discourses. Insofar as these latter continue and manifest (or not) Ecclesiastes’ concerns, they may be called “Qoheleth’s friends” (or not) which may be drawn into profitable conversation and dialogue with Ecclesiastes for the purpose of mutual illumination—especially with an eye toward the book’s contemporary relevance. The course will thus pay excruciatingly close attention to the text of Ecclesiastes, trying to read theologically (“thickly” understood), all the while asking after the cultural significance(s) of the materials at hand, biblical and otherwise.