Michael Morwood
Cost $345 includes single occupancy room, board and tuition. Call to register for double occupancy, $50 reduction in cost.
Prayer is “raising the mind and heart to God” according to a classical definition. That definition worked well when people were very clear about their notion of God and where God resided. In accord with that definition of prayer and the notion of God accompanying it, most liturgical and vocal prayers for centuries have been addressed to God, have invoked God, thanked God, asked God to listen or to send the Spirit or to grant favors
Today when our understanding of “God” is undergoing radical change because of our knowledge about the universe and our place in it, it is surely time for a new paradigm, one that honors and expresses the belief that “God” is not an elsewhere listening Deity, but an everywhere Reality underpinning everything that exists. Yet even many “progressive” Christians find themselves locked into the old paradigm of prayers addressed to God.
It is not easy to change deeply established patterns of thought and practice, especially when new patterns do not come readily to mind. This workshop is one of the few available anywhere today on the urgent need to shape liturgical and vocal prayers in accord with what progressive Christians really think about “God” and where this Reality is encountered.
Michael Morwood is internationally recognized for his work in helping progressive Christians engage a new paradigm for liturgical and vocal prayer.
It is suggested that participants bring examples of worship services, weddings, funerals, baptisms and other forms of community/vocal prayers.
Cost $345 for single occupancy room, board and tuition. Call to register for double occupancy, $50 reduction in cost.