Jean Richardson and Fred Monteith

May 16-18, 2017, Sept. 19-21, 2017, Jan. 23-25, 2018, May 15-17, 2018
There is a thread you follow It goes among
Things that change. But it doesn’t change…
William Stafford
The invitation: for you to follow the deep thread of your life and discover, in the company of others, where you are being lead in this season of your life. Using the Circle of Trust® approach this series of four retreat will encourage you to discover the deep conversation you are yearning to have with yourself as you move through the natural transitions of your life. Participation in all four retreats in expected.
Fred Monteith has served in ministry within the United Church of Canada for almost thirty years. He is an accredited facilitator with the Centre for Courage and Renewal® and has many years’ experience and training in facilitating large and small community conversations. Fred has served congregations in Ontario and Quebec. His most recent service to the church was as Executive Secretary of a Conference staff team.
Jean Richardson serves as the director of Kirkridge Retreat Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. Prior to her move Jean spent 10 years on the staff of Ghost Ranch, a national conference center of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. located in New Mexico. A Presbyterian minister, she has worked a variety of professional capacities in retreat settings for the 18 years. A trained facilitator of the Center for Courage and Renewal she has led over 30 Courage and Renewal programs. Earlier in her career Jean served as a community organizer, urban pastor, consultant and adjunct faculty member with San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Cost $425 per event includes double occupancy room, board and tuition. Call to register and pay for all four retreats and save $200! 610-588-1793.