5 Day Program: Learning For International Faith Engagement

October 31, 2012 - November 4, 2012
Offered by


The Canadian Churches’ Forum for Global Ministries


Expanded L.I.F.E Seminar
with focus on local and global food security

Winnipeg, Manitoba
October 31-November 4, 2012

This workshop is designed for individuals from congregations or other faith communities seeking leadership skills for facilitating direct mission engagement. Group is limited to 20 participants.

For more information, please see the 5 day LIFE program flyer or contact the CCFGM Co-Directors.

See our programs page for more information about all Canadian Churches Forum Programs 

This 5 day seminar will provide opportunities to gain:

  • Deeper understanding of food security in Canada and links to global food security issues.
  • Increased familiarity with programs and resources of program’s partner agencies.
  • Knowledge of and practice with transformative learning models to facilitate holistic and faithful engagement.
  • Practice applying learning from engagement with Winnipeg partners to components such as itineraries, reflection sessions, and devotions/worship for anticipated international faith engagement.
  • Clarity and comfort with identifying and examining faith elements of direct mission engagement.
  • Knowledge and understanding of principles of partnership and how they are embedded in all phases of international faith engagement.
Categories: Leadership  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Workshops