2015 Lansing Lee Conference

October 18, 2015 - October 20, 2015
Hendersonville NC

2015 Lansing Lee Conference

October 18, 2015 – October 20, 2015

In a secular world increasingly torn apart by extremism, Is Christianity Sensible?

Bombings, shootings and shrill declarations echo around the world daily. Not too different from the clashes that kept Roman and Jewish authorities awake at night. Into such chaos, Jesus brought his message of justice and peace. Join two world-renowned speakers for inspiring, fresh discussions connecting today’s bewildering headlines with ancient stories and a message of hope.

The annual Lansing Lee Conference honors the memory of Lansing B. Lee Jr. of Augusta, GA. Lee participated in many aspects of Kanuga’s programs and governance for more than 50 years. The conference focuses on the theme “Practicing the Faith” and explores different dimensions of that topic in the context of the world, nation, the Church and society. The Lansing Lee Conference is made possible by an endowment established by Lee’s wife Natalie.

Keynote Speakers:

The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Dr. George L. Carey

George Carey served as the 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury from 1991 until his retirement in 2002. Still active, he maintains an interest in education, development and public life through his writing, lectures and debates in the House of Lords. Lord Carey is the recipient of 12 honorary degrees and has published 14 books. He and his wife, Eileen, are active members of the Kanuga community.


The Rev. Canon John L. Peterson

John Peterson is the National Cathedral’s first Canon for Global Justice and Reconciliation. Prior to this post, he served from 1995-2002 as Secretary General of the Anglican Communion working closely with Archbishop Carey. He served as Dean of St. George’s College in Jerusalem for 12 years.

Conference Staff:

Chaplain: The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope was appointed provost of Washington National Cathedral by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde and Dean Gary Hall in April 2015. As provost, Canon Cope will oversee the cathedral’s development department, assist the dean in identifying, cultivating and soliciting major donors and work closely with the cathedral’s leadership on its strategic vision, ministry and mission. Canon Cope was called as vicar of Washington National Cathedral in late September 2010. In this senior position, Canon Cope served as the leader of the Cathedral worshiping community and represents Dean Hall in his absence. Formerly associate rector at St. David’s Church in Northwest D.C., Canon Cope also served as a key lay leader at St. John’s Church, Lafayette Square, prior to ordained ministry. She also served as deputy director of presidential personnel in the White House.

Canon Cope graduated summa cum laude from Wesley Theological Seminary, and holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Virginia Theological Seminary. Her Anglican Communion involvement includes serving as a board member of the Compass Rose Society. With her husband, John, she has led pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Greece and has participated in mission trips to Honduras, the Holy Land, Cyprus and Malawi.


Categories: Church History  |  Conferences  |  Culture/Theology