2014 Annual Society Gathering

October 19, 2014 - October 23, 2014


To learn more about the Society, click here or on the left hand side bar for information on History, Annual Society GatheringGathering Keynote Speeches, Shared Commitment & Practices, Shalem Circles, How to Join, Terms, Contact Information.

The Ninth Annual Gathering of Shalem’s Society for Contemplative Leadership

October 19 – October 23, 2014

Gathering begins at 4pm on Sunday, October 19 and ends after lunch on Thursday, October 23, 2014.


What is the root of all these words?
One thing: Love.
But a love so deep and sweet
it needed to express itself
with scents, sounds, colors
that never before existed.

God speaks in language beyond all thought, in silence too deep for words, in ways that delight the senses, in fresh, never-before-expressed images.  Contemplative leadership shines with this original, originating vocabulary of being. Shimmering with another realm, it can be testimony, prophecy and guidance at the same time.  Our contemplative leadership, grounded in God’s own heart and radiating intimate, loving communion, has the potential of expressing and evoking a new world.

At this year’s Gathering, we will begin again with an extended silent retreat (36 hours) so that we steep ourselves in the Root of all words, in Love “so deep and sweet.” Then refreshed and inspired, our listening hearts and conversations can carry the divine hope of leading from beyond words.

Please prayerfully consider joining us in October.

“Shalem always seems to be what I need.”
“I feel grounded again in my contemplative leadership.  Thank you for your commitment to this grace filled ministry!”

— Comments from previous Society Gathering Participants. 
 Read more comments of “Why I Attend the Society Gathering” by clicking here. 



Bon Secours Spiritual Center
1525 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104
(410) 442-8219


As one of the components of the Society for Contemplative Leadership, the annual gathering is open to all people who have completed the second residency of Shalem’s Extension programs: Clergy Spiritual Life & Leadership Program, Facilitating Group Spiritual Direction Program, Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups & Retreats Program, Personal Spiritual Deepening Program, Spiritual Guidance Program, and Soul of the Executive Program.

Please note: if you are a graduate of one of Shalem’s extension programs and are considering membership in the Society, you are welcome to come to the annual gathering to discern if the Society is right for you at this time.


Early Bird $745 by 8/29/14
Regular $795.00 after 8/29/14
Cost includes tuition, room and board. We have limited space.  Your early registration will ensure a place for you.


Please click here to register for Society 2014.
For more information, please contact Program Registrar, Chris Jeffrey ( [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ), (301-897-7334)


For directions and travel information for Bon Secours Spiritual Center, please click here.

Categories: Conferences  |  Leadership  |  Spirituality