1 Peter

July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024
Jul 15–Jul 19, 2024: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
Credit Hours 1–2 Audit Hours 1 Credit Tuition (onsite / online) $520 / $540 per credit hour Audit Tuition (onsite / online) $385 / $405 per credit hour

Go deep into the exegetical, theological, and pastoral aspects of 1 Peter—one of the few, if not the only, New Testament texts to focus on the marginalization of first-century Christians in the Roman Empire. Explore non-Pauline writings and Christian theology, and come away with a deeper understanding of how the early Christians demonstrated faith under fire, “Holy Saturday,” the “Harrowing of Hell,” and other subjects.