When bad things happen, what is our reaction? Do we trust God even when we don’t understand? When difficult things happen, we begin to doubt God’s concern for us or His control over our lives. But when times are hard, when the world feels like it’s caving in on us — it’s even more important …
Soul of Ministry: Becoming Persons-in-Relation
This course is designed to help students explore some of the critical theological and personal dynamics of being and becoming persons who are image-bearers, persons-in-relation with the triune God, their fellow human, and creation, persons joyfully participating in God’s mission to the world of people and creation. The overarching goal is to help students in …
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One Conference
One Conference is an opportunity for Canadian Church Leaders to gather to experience a spiritual refreshing, gain renewed focus, and be effectively equipped to lead the church of tomorrow. The world has changed, and the church is changing with it. This gathering is designed to stimulate new ideas, provide fresh energy, and build conversations and relationships that will …
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The Gift of Anger Retreat
How many of us were told anger is inappropriate? Anger is both an energy and a gift. It is like gas to the automobile -it fuels us to move forward. Anger can be a powerful tool that motivates us to rise to a challenge. The difficulty is when we abuse anger and use it in …
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The Wisdom of the Body E-Workshop
What does your body say to you? Does it want you to know that it is holy? And if so, then how do you tend to your body and discover its wisdom? These are some of the questions that we will explore in this experiential e-workshop. Our guide will be Christine Valters Paintner who is …
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Sacred Side Hustle 2022: managing multiple paid and/or unpaid commitments as part of your unique vocation
Do you need space? Maybe you are managing multiple roles and you need space to decompress? Are you considering experimenting with new ministry methods and need space to process? Perhaps you support multivocational leaders and want to learn more about the various spaces that help people thrive in their unique callings? Would you like a …
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Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop
rawn from ancient prayer practices of the Christian contemplative heritage, Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer in which we experience God’s presence within. This prayer facilitates the movement from more active modes of prayer into resting in God and consenting to God’s presence and action within us. The facilitators, Lynn Langdon and …
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Alabama Clergy Gathering: Post-Christendom
This event is only for Gathering of Leaders Participants and those who have received an invitation to join. Please login to view or contact our Exec. Dir. Haley Bankey for additional information on how you might join the Gathering of Leaders. We also welcome inquiries for all hope-filled, innovative, Episcopal leaders.
Oregon Clergy Gathering: Post-Christendom
This event is only for Gathering of Leaders Participants and those who have received an invitation to join. Please login to view or contact our Exec. Dir. Haley Bankey for additional information on how you might join the Gathering of Leaders. We also welcome inquiries for all hope-filled, innovative, Episcopal leaders.
Rest and Renewal for Leaders of Faith
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out…? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.” – Matthew 10:28 While rooted in the Christian faith, this retreat welcomes leaders from all faith traditions. Leaders who have spent the last 2 years zooming, streaming, and pivoting, who have not been able to go …
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