We often think of aging gracefully as “looking old, but still holding on” or “showing signs of aging, but still moving forward with life.” Aging gracefully is not all about age or appearance, but also about the attitude we have as we go through the various stages of life. Explore how our feelings about aging …
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The Dance of Truth; Family Storytelling
We gather together to connect. In our interwoven online world – we sit still for long periods. Our bodies are meant to move, to connect; face to face, eye to eye, and heart to heart. Perhaps that is where we can find our true selves. A poet, dancer, and visual artist, Karen Gummo has been performing …
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Rhythms of Missional Spirituality
This course will help leaders learn from the past, be aware of the present and plan for the future. The course will explore ancient truths that have helped guide Christians for the past two thousand years and introduce new concepts from leadership science. Most importantly, all of the learning will be practical and will enhance …
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The Gathering: Bloom Where You’re Planted
The Gathering is an annual event for church leaders and pastors seeking to refresh and build lifelong friendships for resilient pastoral ministry. As a non-conference conference, we focus on encounters over information-exchange. Through worship, prayer, teaching, dialogue, sharing food, and recreation, we will grow our pastoral imagination. Come and refresh with us in the beautiful …
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Burned Out and Overwhelmed: Experiencing God’s Healing Presence on the Ancient Paths
In these challenging times, leaders like you are facing far more than just the day-to-day responsibilities of ministry. As our communities and congregations grapple with disease, division, and disaster, it’s no surprise that you might feel yourself at the epicenter of a storm, with your personal well-being on the back burner. The numbers speak for …
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Broken Places, Learning to See, and The Color Blue – A Lenten Journey
Join Roger Hutchison, bestselling author and Christian educator, on a transformative Lenten journey that is sure to inspire and encourage. In his book, The Art of Calm: Spiritual Exercises for the Anxious Soul, Hutchison chronicles his personal journey following a severe mental health crisis. Roger embarks on a transformative journey that not only reignited his …
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We live in a fast-paced society with a seemingly endless list of demands. Life naturally brings its share of challenges and stress. The key is to move forward so that stress doesn’t impact other areas of your life. Stress affects us all, but why exactly do we feel it and what causes it? This Workshop …
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Seeking Resurrection: A Lenten Retreat for Weary Pastors
Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (Psalm 33:22) Be released from your schedule, nourished by beautiful food, and encouraged in your ministry. At this retreat you will be surrounded by those who deeply understand the realities of pastoral ministry and are ready to look into the …
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Shaping Your Future Leadership
Now is the moment to review and shape the leadership you bring. We will explore recognising your voice and influence, owning your life decisions, recognising the shadow you cast, knowing what energises and looking ahead with grounded hope. We will draw from the experiences of leaders in different sectors and nations. We will explore the …
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Spiritual & Emotional Formation for Christian Leadership: Research and Practice
Many who have served in various ministry capacities (e.g., as pastors, missionaries, lay church leaders, etc…) are intimately familiar with the potential dark realities of the ministry environment. Ministry is often fraught with many difficulties and challenges, imposing significant stress upon one’s spiritual life, marital and family relationships, and upon one’s emotional and physical well-being. …
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